Smart Fit from zero to one hundred: how to conquer and lead the fitness center category in Mexico

#Analytics #automation #buyer #Cloud #crm #email #gym #google #health #inbound #iob #Marketing #nurturing #orm #performance #person #remarketing #reputation #revenue operations #revops #rpa #salesforce #sem #seo #Service #smartfit #social media #war room #wellness

Smart Fit is currently the 3rd largest chain of fitness centers in the world, and the largest in Latin America as well. In Mexico, their second most important country, they have more than 150 gyms and more than half a million active users.

Smart Fit has not only democratized access to fitness at competitive prices, it is also a pioneer in the dissemination of health & wellness among the younger generations in a country that ranks first in the world in childhood obesity.

When we started the Smarfit project in 2016, everything was still to be done. Smartfit had barely half a hundred locations concentrated in a few states and faced the challenge of competing with the large national chains that had been dominating the market for many years.


We knew that the challenge we faced was not only one of positioning in a mature market. We had to be able to convert communication into traffic, traffic into subscribers and even more so to help the brand retain them in order to achieve sustainability of the business model. From the beginning our approach to solving such difficulties was holistic and based on the principles of RevOps (Revenue Operations).

Smartfit's value proposition is differential, especially for certain tribes that we had to analyze and understand in detail in order to find the most effective messages and media. In this sense, mystery shoppers, surveys, permanent listening to the digital conversation and data analysis in Google Analytics and Salesforce platforms to establish and validate hypotheses that would allow us to connect with the brand's ideal buyer personas.

We synchronize messages to engage with them through all channels: owned, social, paid and earned media in order to achieve the most efficient mix of traffic sources and be able to compete in an increasingly complex, dynamic and highly seasonal industry.

We've all thought about going to the gym at one time or another, but making a commitment and signing up for a period of time takes some maturing. In this sense, we nurture undecided users with content through our blog, email and remarketing campaigns.

However, none of the above made any sense if we did not have committed users who remained enrolled for long periods of time. This is perhaps the ultimate challenge for any company in this sector, because the ability to grow scalably and make the low-cost model sustainable depends on it.

To achieve this, we analyzed the busiest times and the main user queries or comments. We created a Help Center, a reputation protocol and a 12/7 War Room to provide timely response to user feedback, partially automate it and actively manage Smartfit's reputation through the Salesforce Service Cloud.

"Smartup represents for Smart Fit a strategic partner, but above all it is a trusted ally we can always count on."

Smartfit Mexico
Miguel Meneses



  • IOB (Internet Of Behavior)
  • Buyer Personas and Journeys
  • Mystery Shopping
  • Advanced Analytics


  • Inbound Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Graphic Design
  • SEO
  • Link Building
  • Performance
  • Google Ads
  • Meta Ads
  • Remarketing


  • Blog
  • Nurturing
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud


  • CRM
  • 4C (Customer Care Command Center)
  • Email Marketing
  • ORM (Online Reputation Management)
  • Salesforce Service Cloud
  • Automation


Vanity metrics have no place in this case since Smartup is directly responsible for Smart Fit's main source of user acquisition, and therefore our main metric is the key business indicator: the number of active subscribers. This number has increased fivefold since we have been working with Smartfit and is now well over half a million users.
However, in this industry, retention is almost as important as acquisition. To date we have served more than 475,000 users and prospects through our 4C (Customer Care Command Center).

Ecommerce, Health and Wellness
Technologies and Services
Buyer Personas and Journeys, CRM (MAIL, SMS, IM), Loyalty and Customer Care, ORM & MGM, Paid Media and Performance, Search Engine Optimization, Social Listening

Other Cases

Smartup: Data Driven Growth

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