Growth through data, AI & automation

Data Driven Growth

We help you to grow in a sustainable and scalable way from the Technology, the training of your Teams and the integral operation of your Clients: Marketing, Sales and Loyalty.

INBOUND METHODOLOGY + IOB (Internet of Behaviour)

Understanding customer behavior throughout the customer lifecycle is the key to our "4C" data-driven approach to growth: Know, Connect, Convert and Capitalize.

know your

We help define the profiles of your ideal customers and understand their sharing patterns to achieve a more effective and personalized communication, generating stronger connections and more meaningful conversions.
Know how your brand is perceived online. We monitor conversations, opinions, trends and feedback on social networks and platforms to provide you with valuable information to adjust your strategies, improve your online reputation and boost your audience's engagement.
Get insights for your business from the data provided by advanced web analytics. Know your users' behavior, optimize strategies and make decisions for sustainable growth.

connect with your

We design strategies in Google Ads, Bing Ads, Social Ads and Amazon ads based on the achievement of measurable results. We work from the constant optimization to obtain the ROAS that allows a tangible and quantifiable growth.
With more than 15 years of SEO experience, at Smartup we know the keys to grow your business through organic search engine optimization.
We create attractive and relevant content, manage your profiles and execute advertising campaigns aimed at increasing the interaction and visibility of your brand on key platforms for your business. What are you waiting for to boost your presence on social networks?

converts your

We improve the conversion rate of your business by applying user experience and A/B testing techniques and technology.
We generate personalized ads based on the user's behavior so that your brand remains in the TOP of Mind of your potential customer.
We apply lead nurturing and lead scoring strategies, through process automation, to improve the lifetime value of your business customers through micro-segmentation of email campaigns.

capitalize on your

Properly managing customer relationships is essential. We help you keep an organized record of your customers' interactions and preferences allowing for effective and personalized communication, increasing customer satisfaction and strengthening loyalty.
We foster customer loyalty through an approach that encompasses the management of feedback, reviews and comments. We build trust and credibility, helping you maintain a positive online image.
Turn your customers into your own brand ambassadors through the implementation of effective member get member strategies.

They have trusted us

more than 100 satisfied customers

"We work with Smartup because of their high specialization and experience in SEO, we count on their support and continuous consulting."

IE Business School
Carlos Saldaña

"Thanks to the analytics models developed with Smartup we are able to interpret changes in our marketplace earlier."

Mahou - San Miguel
Javier Garrido

"Smartup has become a trusted partner, providing us with the best solutions at all times."

Ignacio Polvorinos Reyero

"Thanks to Smartup we have built a 360º digital strategy in which the user is the center of all our actions."

Gonzalo Mateo-Sagasta

"Oriented to optimize the investment made by the client, integrating into its strategy and anticipating with creative, innovative and effective solutions."

Guggenheim Museum
Margarita Meoro

"We are obsessed with listening to the consumer. We trusted Smartup and it was a wise choice because they do it with kindness, friendliness and professionalism."

Mavi Nafria

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Smartup: Data Driven Growth

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