Strategic vision of the brewery market through data analytics

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The premise with which the project started in 2021 was to have a strategic vision of the beer market after the impact of the pandemic. This analysis should be based on the natural behavior of the market, as a complement to the company's internal data corresponding to direct sales in the Horeca channel. It should also provide a vision focused not only on the products of the Mahou San Miguel Group, but also in relation to its competitors and substitute products.

In a turbulent market where inflation and price variation greatly affect consumption, with new distribution channels, such as "Delivery", and in order to establish an appropriate customized pricing policy based on this behavior of the sales channels and the consumer, the Mahou-San Miguel Group proposed us to carry out a price variation analysis as an element of contrast and validation of the commercial forecasts they have internally.


In the first phase of the project we focused on the analysis of the consumption of craft beer, one of the pillars of its product offering and spearhead in the launch of new products less established in consumption, which are an important asset in the valuation as a brand, in innovation and in the adaptation to a premium market. To this end, we proposed to analyze the behavior of its consumers by processing their interaction in social networks and specific portals of the beer sector. In these networks, users value the beer offer, rating and valuing the complete variety of craft beers on the market, both the beers of the Mahou Group, as well as those of its competitors and independent producers. Aspects such as aroma, flavor, color and general evaluation are of great relevance to model the tastes of the final consumer. 

In a second stage of the project, we focused on price variations in the hospitality sector for its most established products. To do this, we processed the sales prices of more than 150,000 products over time, so that we were able to identify those that suffered the greatest variations in the period analyzed, individually and by the category to which they belong (beers, wines, soft drinks, liquors, etc.). In addition, we analyzed these variations with geographic information, transferring the products and their variations in market prices to a geographic map. This analysis has been based on the processing of digital menus and menus, the offer in the delivery channel and the processing of expense tickets from Mahou San Miguel's own sales force.

"Thanks to the analytics models developed with Smartup we are able to interpret changes in our marketplace earlier."

Mahou - San Miguel
Javier Garrido



  • IOB (Internet Of Behavior)
  • Big Data Analytics 
  • Power BI
  • Dashboard


These are the numbers of the completed project:

  • More than 2,000,000 product reviews analyzed
  • Continuous monitoring of more than 30,000 breweries
  • More than 350,000 beers tested worldwide 
  • Analysis of price variation in more than 3,200 hospitality establishments in the Spanish market.
  • More than 150,000 products analyzed weekly

The necessary architecture has been built to obtain, process and analyze this volume of data and create dashboards for the orderly exploitation of this information. Thanks to them, sales, distribution, marketing and product teams have access to detailed information that allows them to detect trends, set prices, launch products, offers, etc.

In relation to the analysis of the craft beer market, we were able to detect trends in consumer tastes, identifying those types of beer that obtain a rapid appreciation and penetration among consumers, as well as those that are losing interest.

From the point of view of price variation, we have provided the Mahou team with a tool for analyzing price variation in the national market, identifying the product families that have experienced the greatest price increases, those that have experienced the least and, within them, the specific products that have experienced the greatest fluctuations in percentage or net value over time, as well as a precise geographic indication of where these variations occur.

Both elements allow, on the one hand, to understand demand in advance, in relation to consumer tastes, generating more attractive or more successful products in the market, and on the other hand, to customize much more the rates for each channel and adapt the distribution prices to the selling price for the final consumer.

In short, we have provided the Mahou San Miguel group with a methodology and tools to control changes in the behavior of beer consumers in relation to supply and price, modeling the market based on manageable variables that facilitate the sustainable growth of its market share, by product and geographic area.

Food Industry
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Advanced Analytics IOB

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