They are the best agency for inbound marketing in the country and create all kind of content by looking at data and testing variables.
El aumento de la huella digital asociada a los procesos empresariales en todos los ámbitos, el bajo coste de almacenamiento y computacional, la democratización de los modelos analíticos y la madurez de la automatización de procesos hace que nos encontremos en el momento óptimo para que las organizaciones fundamenten sus decisiones en el análisis de los datos…
Apoyados en la metodología CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) que parte del comportamiento de tus clientes y de las necesidades específicas definidas como casos de uso, desarrollamos los proyectos de manera global, desde la identificación de fuentes de datos, desarrollo de procesos de extracción y limpieza de datos, aplicación de modelos, desarrollo de entornos de salida, capacitación de equipos y transferencia de conocimiento que permiten una correcta toma de decisiones estratégicas fundamentadas en el análisis de datos.
Cuando lo aplicamos al Business Analytics podemos descubrir patrones y predecir tendencias considerando diferentes factores, ya sean económicos, de mercado, tecnológicos, estacionalidad u otros, tanto internos como externos a la empresa, con el objetivo principal de comprender los posibles resultados futuros de cada acción realizada y en algunos casos codificarlos dentro de un proceso automatizado.
En Smartup tenemos la certeza que los proyectos tienen que ser siempre útiles para las organizaciones, por lo que desde el primer contacto, que los resultados del proyectos sean rápidamente accionables y convertibles en medidas que retornen rápidamente la inversión del propio proyecto. Sabemos que los recursos son siempre valiosos y limitados y, por eso, nos preocupamos en obtener el mayor provecho posible a los datos. Nos aseguramos de estar siempre alineados con los siguientes factores clave para garantizar el éxito del proyecto:
Para todo lo anterior, observamos detenidamente el entorno tecnológico y seleccionamos las herramientas que mejor se adecúan a la fase analítica de nuestros clientes: (herramienta 1, herramienta 2, herramienta 3 con un breve entre comando de lo que hacen).
Por último, entendemos el Big Data como un paradigma donde tan importante son los resultados como el conocimiento de esta disciplina dentro de las organizaciones. Buscamos colaboraciones a largo plazo y la mejor forma de mantener una relación es asegurando que nuestros clientes estén, cada vez, mejor formados.
Albert Einstein decía a sus alumnos que si él tuviera una hora para resolver el problema de salvar el mundo utilizará 55 minutos en analizar bien el problema. Nosotros no tuvimos la suerte de ser alumnos de Einstein pero como él, creemos que es necesario entender problemáticas de nuestros clientes minuciosamente antes de lanzarse a invertir, con dudoso retorno, tiempo y recursos en la integración y analítica de datos…
No todas las problemáticas de analítica de datos requieren de herramientas big data, pero casi todas tienen que ver con el ciclo de vida de los clientes, y casualmente somos expertos analizando el comportamiento de los mismos (véase nuestro servicio de Inbound), unificando los datos de las áreas de marketing, ventas y servicio de la empresa en su relación con el cliente (véase nuestro servicio de Revenue Operations) y automatizando en base a ello los procesos para convertirnos en data driven.
En un ámbito tan complejo no podemos hacer de todo, ni cualquier cosa, pero somos una solución completa para las organizaciones que quieren optimizar con datos los procesos vinculados a las fuentes de ingreso de su negocio.
Para poder decir lo anterior y diferenciarnos hemos tenido que tropezarnos algunas veces, superar el manido concepto de la analítica y huir de generalidades como la inteligencia artificial que tanto abundan en la jerga de la industria digital. Nuestro servicio de data no es algo accesorio a nuestra oferta de valor, es su columna vertebral:
En Smartup 1 de cada 5 miembros de nuestro equipo es analista de datos.
Somos coordinadores y profesores en másteres de analítica de datos en importantes escuelas de negocio y universidades internacionales
Hemos llevado a cabo más de 25 proyectos de data y más de 50 proyectos de revenue operations
Han confiado en nosotros diferentes administraciones públicas tales como el Gobierno de Aragón, Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián, la Consejería de Educación del País Vasco o el Consell de Ibiza.
También lo han hecho empresas cotizadas entre las que destacan Danone, Banco Santander, Ternium, Mahou, Azucarera Española, Grupo Cerealto Siro, Euskaltel o Carglass.
Para más información no dudes en consultar nuestros testimonios y casos.
They are the best agency for inbound marketing in the country and create all kind of content by looking at data and testing variables.
Ramon Barrueta
"Smartup has helped us to qualify our database and automate email marketing flows, improving our customer acquisition results."
Jose A. Navas
"The result has been more than satisfactory and they have more than met the initial expectations. I would fundamentally highlight the professionalism and flexibility."
Juan Echevarrieta
"Smartup was breaking paradigms. We showed that with a good strategy - and the best partner - we could achieve the extraordinary."
Mariana Uriol
"The support provided was excellent. They have met our requirements and have adapted Hubspot's solutions to the needs of the business."
Adelia Gil
Smartup changed the mindset of our teams and generated breadth of vision in every sense.
Tania Merino
"Together with Smartup we have improved our web traffic by 18% in one year and increased our web requests by 26%."
Rosa María Martínez Olmos
"Smartup was key to starting our Inbound Marketing efforts, and they have also taken our SEO to the next level."
Ignacio Cordero
"Thanks to Smartup we have built a 360º digital strategy in which the user is the center of all our actions."
Gonzalo Mateo-Sagasta
"They bring years of knowledge and experience to advance the City Council's goal of developing data-driven policies."
Ibon Ramos
"Thanks to Smartup we are in control of our digital marketing investment."
Adelina Cantarell
"Smartup is one of the companies that has the knowledge and translates it into results. Undoubtedly, the best digital marketing company in Mexico".
Alejandro Pailles and Juan José Solórzano
"Dedicated and knowledgeable team whose work has helped position us as a leader in online restaurant reservations."
Juan Otero
Smartup has helped us improve awareness and visits to our site organically, adapting to our needs and timing.
Yolotzin Bravo
"With Smartup we have managed to make digital campaigns our main source of Leads, from the first month and at a reasonable cost."
Jorge Hernandez
"Smartup represents for Smart Fit a strategic partner, but above all it is a trusted ally we can always count on."
Miguel Meneses
"Smartup has become a trusted partner, providing us with the best solutions at all times."
Ignacio Polvorinos Reyero
"If I could describe Smartup in one word it would be: efficiency."
Stella Aguirre
"Smartup is a committed, up-to-date agency with a super team behind it. Undoubtedly a great investment."
Alvaro de Juan
"Its strength lies in its sound project management."
Ruben Martinez
"I have been working with Smartup for more than 15 years, since its beginnings. They have always shown a strong technological profile, being a benchmark of innovation in the digital advertising sector."
Juan Manuel Parra
"For Groupm, it is a first-rate partner because of its high level of involvement, its knowledge and ability to always be at the forefront."
Rocio Coello de Portugal
"Smartup has helped us think differently and look for imaginative solutions with direct applicability to the business."
Olga Fernandez
"Smartup's support in the definition and execution of BilliB's digital marketing strategy is being key to our success."
Aurora López García
"It's very difficult for an agency to adapt to the needs of a startup and Smartup has done it incredibly well."
Carlos López
"Smartup helps us navigate the digital journey with an analytical approach that allows us to make data-driven decisions."
Aida Mas
"Smartup has become a key strategic partner, functioning as another area, integrated within our structure."
Santiago Mayorga Escalada
"Our learning curve has become much more efficient."
Luis Terrones
"We had, through a single partner, all services related to online marketing."
Iñigo Manso
"We work with Smartup because of their high specialization and experience in SEO, we count on their support and continuous consulting."
Carlos Saldaña
"My experience was very rewarding, as it allowed me to grow, learn every day, as well as get out of my comfort zone on every project."
Yazmin Vera
Smartup is our extended team, they have the expertise and the necessary attitude. They always show commitment by delivering what they promise.
Karen Stone
"Working with Smartup has been a rewarding experience and very helpful to the organization."
Juan Carlos Malaga
Smartup has been an excellent partner. Thanks to their experience and knowledge, we were able to find the right growth solutions.
Ariel Cilento
"Smartup has understood the challenges of our business in an increasingly competitive industry."
Pablo Rodriguez
"We do business online and Smartup has experience growing this type of business."
Alberto Padilla Luengas
"We have been working with them for 6 years and the evolution of our Adwords account has been great."
Nathanaël Berbessou
"In Smartup we have found a solvent, honest and reliable strategic partner, with whom we can increase value and return."
Miguel Pereira
"Smartup is a solvent and reliable partner for any data analytics project due to its high technical level, empathy and adaptation."
Samuel Triguero
"Smartup, the ideal digital ally. They have business vision, focus on results and experience throughout Latin America."
Ricardo Martinez
"Smartup was able to crystallize our objectives in an extremely effective way."
Alberto Rabanal
"Smartup is an ally in the field of digital transformation, through team training and feasibility of projects related to data analysis."
Carlos Herrero
"Thanks to Smartup, our Inbound has improved considerably. We have managed to increase our client closings by more than 5%."
Inés Rojas
We are happy with the service, and as icing on the cake, Smartup's founders are cool!
Oskar Hjertonsson
"We increased orders by more than 250%. We reduced the cost per order by 40%."
Evaristo Babé
"Smartup is very clear on how to market within the e-commerce market."
Pablo Pedrejón García
"With Smartup's knowledge and work, we have established a solid foundation for our online channel, which brings continuous benefits."
Silvia Palazuelo
"Smartup, more than an agency, has been a strategic ally for an effective interaction with our consumers."
Alfonso Pliego
"Smartup has provided us with tools, measurement and output."
Antonio Alonso
In our years together they have demonstrated a great reliability, precision and involvement that we have never received from other partners.
Carlos Rodriguez
"Smartup has been an ally in redefining our content strategy in the digital world. I appreciate their commitment and perseverance."
Ricardo Martinez
"I would like to highlight Smartup's ability to understand and execute our business strategy in a digital environment."
Antonio Parages
"Smartup helped us to grow the company organically to consolidate the first source of revenue from the direct channel."
Alejandro Lazcano
"Smartup has been helping us, for more than 10 years, to grow our direct channel in a progressive and sustained manner."
Alejandro Ferrer
"Smartup has helped us get our products to a relevant audience."
Santiago Cepeda
"Smartup consistently helps us get real value from data activation and initiate efficient and productive digitization."
Carlos J. Fernandez
"We have been able to apply that analytical layer to the business strategy that we needed, helping us to make strategic decisions and structure our strategy."
Marta Meseguer
"Smartup is a strategic ally for us."
Carlos Correa
"With Smartup we defined the value of data. Since then we haven't stopped growing".
Javier Goikoetxea
"Measurable results! This is what Smartup has achieved"
Carlos Pérez Castro
"From the beginning they took it very seriously and knew we wanted a service well done."
Alejandro Reyes
"Their empathy with the strategies and implementations made us trust them. They stand out in complicity, disposition and companionship."
Nuria Gimenez
"With Smartup we have been able to develop advanced analytics projects for clients in the Basque Country who are making the leap to digital transformation."
Iulen Ibañez
Smartup maximizes the quality of traffic to achieve all our conversion goals
Carlos Barragan
"Social networks are a channel of growing importance. Thanks to Smartup we have managed to boost it and improve our positioning."
Nora Abete
"Smartup has managed to adapt to our specific needs in the B2B sector through inbound and digital advertising actions."
Rocio Diez
"The result in social networks was very positive."
Daniel Licari
"Partnering with Smartup has given us certainty and guidance with clear metrics and new digital tools."
Natalia Gamboa
"The Internet is all about returns and Smartup knows that very well."
Pablo Varela Nieto
I found Smartup to be very professional, open to feedback, committed to results. A good experience working with them!
Laura Gonzalez
"Oriented to optimize the investment made by the client, integrating into its strategy and anticipating with creative, innovative and effective solutions."
Margarita Meoro
"Thanks to the analytics models developed with Smartup we are able to interpret changes in our marketplace earlier."
Javier Garrido
"Smartup has taken us by the hand in our commitment to Inbound Marketing, obtaining the expected results."
Vanessa Valdes
Smartup helped us to make our transversal internationalization project a reality through the development of a B2B platform.
Montserrat Porras
"We expect to grow 15% with Smartup. They are fighters and believe in the mobile sector."
Javier Santos Rodríguez
Smartup has helped us to optimize our digital marketing and has given us a vision that goes beyond the real estate world.
Maribel Plaza
"Getting started in the Inbound methodology with Smartup has helped us build a solid path with measurable results from the beginning."
Raúl Rubio Alonso
"We are obsessed with listening to the consumer. We trusted Smartup and it was a wise choice because they do it with kindness, friendliness and professionalism."
Mavi Nafria
"There is always immediate response, they are attentive to every detail of the strategy, an excellent agency. I am very happy."
Alberto Ventosa
"We grew 30% thanks to them and they have adapted to our needs."
Enrique Zambrano
"During these short but intense months, without a doubt they were always very professional and gave us the service and with the best disposition."
Bernardo Islas
"Smartup is a guarantee of success. They met our needs quickly, efficiently and with good results right from the start."
Beatriz Lanero
"The Smartup team is made up of competent, proactive people with very high technical knowledge."
Nacho Navacerrada
"Thanks to Smartup and its magnificent team, we have been able to develop a multi-country strategy and grow more than 100% in just one year."
Eduardo Berrocal
"Smartup is able to monetize social media campaigns."
María José Munera
"Smartup has been a strategic partner in knowledge, information and customized business solutions."
Laura Iturbide Galindo
"We created a strategic alliance that allowed us to increase the number of enrollees thanks to the implementation of high-impact marketing strategies."
Fernando de Carlos Moreno Hollman
"Smartup is the ideal travel companion in digitizing the behavioral analytics of travelers to our island of Ibiza."
Juan Simón Tur
"They are part of our team and are committed to our success. Their excellence and attention to detail stand out."
Louise Nagle
"In Smartup we have found a reliable partner to develop global projects."
Alain Hervas
"*" indicates required fields